How to Clean and

Flush Your Dog’s Ear 


Step 1

Check the prescription label for directions and shake the bottle if necessary.   Lift the ear flap (pinna) vertically so it is pointing straight up to expose and straighten out the ear canal.  Using your other hand, squeeze the ear-cleaning solution into the ear to fill the ear canal.   Avoid having the tip of the bottle touch your dog’s ear canal.   If the tip touches the ear canal, use a clean cotton ball soaked in alcohol to clean the tip.


Step 2

While still holding the ear vertically, use your hand to massage the base of the ear canal to loosen debris.  Continue this for about 30 seconds, and a “squishing” sound should be heard as the solution moves into the horizontal part of the ear canal.

Base of Ear 3

Step 3

Let go of the ear and allow your pet to shake its head.   The remaining solution should move out of the canal and assist with removing debris to the outer part of the ear.

Base of Ear 2

Step 4

Using a clean cloth or cotton ball, wipe away the moisture and any loose debris from the ear flap and canal.   This may need to be repeated several times depending on the amount of debris present.   Only go into the ear canal as far as your finger will reach. Do not use a cotton-tipped applicator (Q-tip) to avoid pushing debris further into the ear canal or potentially damaging the eardrum.   After completing, wash your hands and always offer praise and reward to your pet to encourage cooperation.

Base of Ear