Heimlich Maneuver for Dogs

Sadly, it is not uncommon for a dog to choke because they  swallow things they shouldn’t, like toys and bones. If your dog is choking, he will start coughing forcefully, bulge his  eyes and paw at his mouth. In order to save your dog’s life, there are several things to do: • First, open your […]

A New Type Of Veterinary Center

Pet Health Hospital will be the first veterinary center and animal hospital of it’s kind to service the Las Vegas area.  This unique concept was developed by Dr. Mark Beerenstrauch in order to provide better animal care to his patients, reducing costs and improving the health situations of pets at the same time.  This is […]

Spaying And Neutering In Pets

OVERVIEW At any age, if your pet is intact (not spayed/neutered), it’s time to think about getting them fixed. What goes through your mind is probably whether it’s the right thing to do, or if they should stay as nature intended. What you need to do is consider the positive and negative sides of getting […]

Signs That Your Pet May Be Ill

QUESTIONNAIRE Since our pets can’t tell us what is wrong, it’s up to you and your veterinarian to keep them healthy and monitor for any abnormalities. General signs of a sick pet include: disorientation, weight loss, weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, unproductive retching, seizure, bloody urine, straining to urinate, difficulty breathing, persistent cough, […]

Pregnancy In Pets

PREGNANCY The period of pregnancy, or gestation period, dogs and cats go through is 59 to 68 days, with the average being 63 days. With dogs, their litter size can vary from a single pup to 17 in some of the largest breeds. With cats, their litters can vary from one to more than 10 […]

Pet Sitter Instructions

INSTRUCTIONS To help you get the most out of your pet sitter, print and fill out the following instructions: CONTACT INFORMATION Your Name _____________________________________ Your Address ____________________________________ Phone # ________________ Cell # ____________ Emergency Vet # __________________________________ Vet Name ________________________________________ Vet Phone # _____________________________________ Vet Address _____________________________________ Your Contact Information ________________________ Other Emergency Information ____________________ Other Emergency Contact _________________________ INSTRUCTIONS PET 1. Name _____________________________________________ Description ______________________________________ Eats (Type of […]

Pet Obesity

OVERVIEW Over half of pets are considered overweight or obese, and according to studies, the number is climbing every year. It is the most common concern for pets in our society today when it comes to nutrition-related health. The obvious, and most primary, cause of obesity is too much food and not enough exercise. As […]

New Puppy Plan

PRE-BOARDING CHECK LIST Information for New Puppy Owners Getting a new puppy can be an exciting and scary endeavor. One of the most important parts of your puppies first few months is proper veterinary care. This includes vaccinations, fecal exams, deworming, and spaying/neutering if you desire. Vaccinations are important to prevent many diseases that our […]

Kenneling Your Pet

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW There are many varieties of kennels available to board your pet, from barebones to five-star fancy. Remember that the trimmings are mainly meant for owners since pets don’t really care about the look of their sleeping quarters. The most important thing about picking a good kennel is the safety and […]

Hot Spots In Dogs

ACUTE MOIST DERMATITIS (HOT SPOTS) IN DOGS Acute moist dermatitis is one of the most common canine skin disorders. Also referred to as hot spots, it appears as an intensely itchy, painful and swollen patch of skin that is warm to the touch. Hair loss in the affected area is common. The skin develops a […]

Grooming Your Dog

A GUIDE TO GROOMING Although it’s often overlooked, grooming is an important part of your dog’s health program. Routine brushing and combing removes dead hair and dirt and prevents matting. Because it stimulates the blood supply to the skin, grooming also gives your pet a healthier and shinier coat. WHEN TO START Start regular grooming […]

Grief In Dogs And Cats

GRIEF IN PETS WHEN LOSING A COMPANION Our pets can’t talk to us to tell us what they’re thinking. Because of this, we have to base their emotional status on their actions and behavior. An animal that loses a companion animal or human may react similarly as when a person experiences the death of a […]

Getting A Pet Sitter For Your Dog

A good professional pet sitter is a true find. Instead of relying on a friend to feed your dog, walk him and spend an hour or so playing with him, you can relax while you’re away, knowing that your dog is in capable hands. A knowledgeable sitter should be able to spot medical problems and […]

Gastrointestinal Parasites

WORMS Most people are aware that their pets have worms, but just what are these worms, where do they get them and how do you get rid of them? When pet owners talk about worms, they are really talking about all gastrointestinal parasites. And there are several gastrointestinal parasites that commonly affect our dogs and […]