Pet Health Hospital Launches The “Pet Program”

Pet HealthPet Programs Hospital has launched a social media campaign designed to both inform those interested in learning specifics of programs that are offered but additionally engage pet parents who want to follow and promote the ongoing achievement levels that their pet has crossed.  Various programs have been launched under the “Pet” moniker, including “PetStay,” “PetFit” and “PetPaws.”  Each specific engagement program uses social media postings directly from Pet Health Hospital staff to provide ongoing updates to pet parents via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Within the “PetStay” program, pets who are being boarded at Pet Health Hospital are photographed during their stay, allowing parents to log into the social media profiles and see their pet enjoying it’s time with the Pet Health Hospital veterinary staff.  The program focuses on providing pet parents who are missing their pets while they are boarded to see that their care and happiness is being taken into consideration.  In the “PetFit” program, weightloss milestones are posted alongside photographs of the pet participants, providing not only a chronological documentation of the weightloss program, but additionally providing motivation for pet owners to stick to the program guidelines, as they can see the results first hand.  Within the “PetPaws” program, pets who have left their owners and passed on are memorialized on the social media sites, providing a bit of comfort to grieving parents.

The “Pet” programs at Pet Health Hospital are unique in that they are a vehicle to keep pet parents engaged with the veterinary care of their animals.  The philosophy of Pet Health Hospital is to avoid injuries, illnesses and surgeries over the lifespan of a pet by providing engagement to the pet’s owners.  Pet care is not only taking the animal to the veterinarian when it is sick, but an ongoing program of maintenance procedures designed to keep the pet healthy.  Through the utilization of social media, Pet Health Hospital hopes to create a higher level of engagement with your pet’s care, and thus provide a greater level of service than any other veterinarian in Las Vegas, or the country.


Coconut Oil For Dogs And Cats

Most veterinarians will agree that using coconut oil in your pet’s diet will have benefits, just like most doctors will agree that using it is beneficial to humans.  Here are the specific benefits of mixing coconut oil into your pet’s diet:


  • Coconut oil is an excellent source of nutrition and is over 90% saturated fat, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal.
  • Coconut oil is high in antioxidants and helps the absorption of vital minerals.
  • Coconut oil is high in fatty acids and has been proven to have health benefits.
  • Lauric acid is effective in fighting staph, especially in combination with oregano oil.  It is additionally effective in the prevention of some cancers, and is the richest source of lauric acid available at 40%.

Coconut oil also helps in digestion and improves pet’s coats.  Animals like cats and dogs would have consumed high levels of fats in the wild due to their meat diet, and unfortunately many pet foods fall short of necessary levels.  Coconut oil is a good source of these fats.  It can be applied externally on wounds and rashes in order to assist in the healing process, as well as reducing infection.  Pets love to eat coconut oil so it is incredibly easy to administer to them.  The dosage is typically about a teaspoon per 10 pounds, but make sure to gradually build up the daily dosage as it can produce flu-like symptoms if administered too fast.

Pet Dental Health: Periodontal Disease

Pet Dental Health: Periodontal Disease

pet dental health periodontal diseaseOne of the most common clinical conditions in adult dogs and cats is periodontal disease and includes gingivitis (reversible reddening and inflammation of the gums) and periodontitis (loss of bone and soft tissue that surround the teeth). The periodontal disease tends to begin early in a pet’s life, but early signs of disease are not often obvious to pet owners. As a result, they may not seek professional treatment until there is an extensive disease and a greater chance of tooth loss.

Gingivitis begins when bacteria build up between the teeth and gums, forming a soft, sticky substance made up of bacteria called plaque that sticks to the surface of the teeth. The plaque quickly hardens into tartar. As plaque and tartar spread below the gum line, their bacteria irritate and cause inflammation of the gums. Small pockets form in the space between the gums and teeth, trapping food and bacteria. Once plaque has hardened into tartar and has begun to grow in thickness, dental instruments are necessary to remove it.

As the inflammatory process progresses over long periods, periodontitis develops. As the gum infection worsens, it may cause damage to the supporting tissues of the tooth and eventually result in tooth loss. Severe infections may require a gingivectomy, which involves the removal of part of the diseased gum. To allow the gums to fully heal, it may be necessary to remove some or all of the teeth. The importance of professional dental cleaning at this stage cannot be understated. Studies have shown that if bacteria surrounding the roots of the teeth enter the bloodstream, a condition called bacteremia, pets may suffer damage to their kidneys, heart, and liver.

Bad breath (halitosis) is often the first indication that a pet is due for a dental examination. If there is oral pain, pets may drool, be reluctant to eat or drop food from their mouth. The gums may appear red, swollen, and bleed easily. Pets with diabetes require extra attention and tend to have a greater risk of developing periodontal disease.

The key to managing gum disease in pets is prevention. Daily brushing of the teeth and frequent chewing activities are effective ways to keep teeth and gums healthy. Regular veterinary dental examinations help determine when periodic professional scaling and cleanings may be necessary to maintain the oral health of pets, particularly as they age. Since each pet is different, a veterinarian can suggest how frequently your pet may require professional cleaning and offer tips for a regular home dental program.

Ear Infections (Otitis Externa) in Dogs

Ear Infections (Otitis Externa) in Dogs

EAR INFECTIONS IN DOGSEar disease is one of the most common conditions treated by veterinarians. Otitis externa is the term used to describe inflammation of the outer ear canal. Unlike the horizontal shape of the human ear canal, a dog’s ear canal has a more vertical shape, making it an ideal place for debris and moisture to build up.

The ear canal is a sensitive structure and prone to infection, although this is more true in some dogs than in others. Dogs that have heavy, pendulous ears tend to be more predisposed to developing ear infections because of the lack of air circulation, while other breeds of dogs, such as Shar-Peis, naturally have a narrower (stenotic) ear canal. There are some breeds that naturally have an abundance of hair surrounding the ear canal, which blocks air circulation and may cause blockages of loose hair. Dogs with allergic skin disorders such as canine atopy and food sensitivity dermatitis tend to have more frequent ear infections as part of the overall allergic response. Other causes of ear infections include bacteria, yeast, and parasites such as ear mites. Foreign objects may enter the ear canal, causing irritation. As a dog scratches, they cause self-inflicted trauma, which makes ear problems worse. Hormonal deficiencies or excesses can affect the ears, such as in dogs with hypothyroidism, and may require treatment to prevent ear problems in the future. Occasionally, hereditary diseases such as dermatomyositis and primary seborrhea affect the ears, as well as squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and other tumors in the ear.

The normal appearance of a dog’s outer ears on the inside of the ear flap should be pale pink, smooth, with no foul odor or discharge. The following symptoms may indicate the need for veterinary examination of the ears:

Scratching of the ear area, head shaking, or tilting

Rubbing of the ear on the floor or furniture

Foul odor in the ear

Redness, swelling, crusting, discharge, or buildup of the outer ear or canal, hair loss around the ear

Pain around the ear area

Hearing loss, loss of balance, or walking in circles

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, they should be brought to a veterinarian for treatment right away, because external ear infections may spread to the middle ear and cause complications or permanent deafness. The veterinarian may use an otoscope, a tool used to examine the inside of the ear canal and eardrum, as a first step toward diagnosing the specific cause of your dog’s otitis externa. A sample of discharge from the ear canal may be taken and examined under the microscope or sent off to a laboratory to find out if any specific species of bacteria, yeast, or ear mites are involved. This will help determine what the best treatment plan is for the dog. In dogs whose ear canals are filled with too much debris for the veterinarian to see inside, or for those who are in too much pain for examination, sedation may be required so that the ears can be cleaned enough to examine.

Depending upon the cause of the ear problem, treatments could include antibiotics, antifungals, or ear mite medications. Treatment of the underlying cause of the infection may include allergy treatment, thyroid treatment, or removal of tumors or hair that may be blocking the ear canal.

Regardless of the cause of your dog’s ear problems, keeping the ear canal clean and dry is the first priority, and the best way to prevent further ear infections. Always follow your veterinarian’s recommendations to help keep your dog’s ears clean and healthy.