The Six Most Common Dog Health Issues

Your dog is your best friend, and we all want to keep our friends in the best of health so they can spend as much time with us as possible. There are many health issues that can effect your dog, and here are the six most common health issues: 1. Ear Infections: This is probably […]

Limited Ingredient Diets For Pets

Limited ingredient diets have become more popular in recent years with regards to dogs and cats who have allergies and have issues with digestion, skin or eye irritations. Pet foods themselves are most likely to blame for ingredient allergies, but if left undiagnosed they can cause your pet extreme irritation, infections and hair loss from […]

Las Vegas Veterinarian

In Las Vegas, there are many veterinarians. We feel we are the best choice for your pet, and we feel that if you come by our animal hospital to take a tour and see our facilities, you will feel the same way. However, for those who do not have the time to come by and […]

Separation Anxiety In Dogs

One of the more difficult conditions to deal with in many dogs is separation anxiety. This is exhibited by the dog acting out when they are not round humans or other dogs, and are left alone for periods of time. Typical separation anxiety behaviors will include incessant barking and howling, scratching doors and windows, destroying […]

The difference between simulated and true separation anxiety in dogs

When left alone, many dogs will act out. They will begin barking or howling, destroy bedding and couches, whine and possibly urinate on carpets even though they are housebroken. When a dog is left alone it is stressful for them if they are not used to it, and when a puppy is first brought home […]

Protecting Your Dog In Your Yard

When you got your dog, you probably went through a process to enclose your yard as much as possible to keep your dog from running away. While this is certainly a positive thing to do, it is also important to monitor your yard for changes that could potentially result in harm to your pet. There […]

Spay And Neuter Your Pets

We are all familiar with the discussion that happens so often with regards to owning an animal, and we see the television commercials and ads that always remind us that it is important to spay and neuter your pets, but there are far fewer people that actually understand why this is important. Homeless Pets: There […]

A New Type Of Animal Hospital

There are many animal hospitals in Las Vegas, and many fine veterinarians working within those facilities. We strongly encourage you to choose the best facility that you can afford, which is convenient to your home as well as being a caring and knowledgeable facility that has your pet’s best interests in mind. Convenience to your […]