A New Type Of Animal Hospital
There are many animal hospitals in Las Vegas, and many fine veterinarians working within those facilities. We strongly encourage you to choose the best facility that you can afford, which is convenient to your home as well as being a caring and knowledgeable facility that has your pet’s best interests in mind. Convenience to your home is very important in that if it is not convenient there is a good chance that you will not take your pets in to see the vet for regular checkups as much as if it were closer, so we encourage you to find the clinic that is not only convenient but that makes you feel the most comfortable that your pet is in good hands. As long as you are willing to drive a few extra miles, sometimes the better choice maybe a little less convenient, but in the end, choosing the veterinarian that you will make the regular visits to is key. We are a different and new type of animal hospital in Las Vegas, in that our clinic was built on the philosophy of keeping your pet healthy, instead of just treating them when they are sick. We feel this makes us a better choice for your pet, even if it is a little less convenient for you.
Most veterinarians are in the business of treating sick or injured animals or preventing major diseases through vaccinations or dental cleanings. At Pet Health Hospital, we believe that the practice of medicine goes beyond that point, to a place where we believe that if we can prevent an illness and will make less money from a customer in the process, we want to prevent that illness. Too many animals are put down or given up for adoption each year due to the fact that the owners either cannot or will not pay the high prices associated with treatments and surgeries when the animal is sick, and nothing is worse than knowing that an inexpensive treatment or checkup could have prevented that illness. We built our practice with this in mind, that the ongoing maintenance procedures that guard against the known illnesses of individual breeds of animals should be the first thought with regards to medicine, and the treating of the illness should be the second. If there is a way to prevent the illness from happening in the first place, we believe that pet owners should understand how to do it and be presented with the ability to perform the low-cost procedures that might be able to prevent the high-cost ones that force decisions that nobody wants to make. We practice “wellness care” in the same way that it is practiced for human beings, and we believe that animals can benefit from being healthy the same way people do.
If you are seeking a veterinarian or animal hospital in Las Vegas, come by our facility and ask to be given a tour. We would be happy to discuss with you how we can help your pet lead a healthier and happier life, free of injury and disease. We will take the time to tell you why we are different, and why we feel we are the best.