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Product Picks & Pet Health Tricks: Embrace the Benefits of Dasuquin® Advanced for Joint Health!

Hey there, pet parents! Dr. B here, excited to introduce you to this month’s product pick – Dasuquin® Advanced!  Let’s uncover the magic behind this powerhouse supplement and how it can transform your pet’s joint health journey! Dasuquin® Advanced: A Hero for Joint Health Regarding supporting your pet’s joints, Dasuquin® Advanced is the ultimate superhero! […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Treating Arthritis in Cats

Arthritis in cats is a complex condition characterized by joint inflammation, leading to pain and stiffness. The causes of arthritis in cats are multifaceted, including body conformation, excess weight, abnormal joint development, injury history, and previous surgeries. Osteoarthritis (OA) worsens over time, causing gradual joint deterioration. Inside their joints, cats have surfaces covered in smooth […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Treating Arthritis in Dogs

Arthritis, a common ailment among our beloved canines, presents a multifaceted challenge. It involves inflammation of the joints, resulting in pain, discomfort, and reduced mobility. Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease (DJD), worsens over time, leading to progressive deterioration of joint health. While aging is a predominant factor, certain breeds are predisposed, and developmental issues like […]

Top 5 Signs of Arthritis in Cats

What is arthritis? Arthritis, a complex cat issue, entails joint inflammation, causing pain and stiffness. Osteoarthritis (OA), a progressive joint deterioration, describes joint wear and tear. Inside their joints, cats have surfaces covered in a thin layer of smooth cartilage lubricated with fluid, enabling free and frictionless movement. However, arthritis occurs when this smooth surface […]

Top 5 Signs of Arthritis in Dogs

What is arthritis? Arthritis is a common ailment characterized by joint inflammation, resulting in pain and stiffness for our pets. Osteoarthritis denotes the gradual deterioration of joints, causing discomfort and restricting movement. 🐾 What causes arthritis? While aging is a typical factor, arthritis can manifest early due to developmental issues such as hip or elbow […]

Navigating Canine Allergies: My Insights on Apoquel vs. Cytopoint 

Introduction: As spring blossoms herald their vibrant arrival, so does the inevitable onslaught of allergies for our beloved canine companions. In this season of itchiness, pet parents often find themselves at a crossroads, deciding between two potent allies in the fight against allergies – Apoquel and Cytopoint. Join me, Dr. B, as we delve into […]