Cute smart funny puppy dog

Pet Health Expertise Unleashed: Navigating Allergies with Our Vets

March is not just about the arrival of spring; it’s also the month we dedicate to understanding and managing allergies in our beloved pets. At Pet Health, our team is ready to share valuable insights on handling pet allergies. In this edition of “Pet Health Expertise Unleashed,” each of our doctors reveals their go-to tips for navigating the allergy season with your furry companions.

Product Picks & Pet Health Tricks- featured

Product Picks & Pet Health Tricks: the Power of Dermaquin® for Allergies in Pets!

Hey there, pet parents! Dr. B here; this month’s product pick is recommended for our pets dealing with pesky allergies. Let’s dive into the wonders of Dermaquin® – your furry friend’s secret weapon for healthier skin and a happier life!

Dermaquin®: A Superhero for Skin Health

Dermaquin® is not just a supplement; it’s a superhero in the battle against pet allergies. Crafted for dogs and cats, this skin support marvel is designed to fortify their natural defenses, making it more challenging for allergens to trigger those irritating reactions.

Ingredients That Pack a Punch

Wondering what makes Dermaquin® so effective? It’s all about the stellar lineup:

  • Actinidia Arguta (Hardy Kiwi) Extract: This botanical powerhouse adds a holistic touch to the mix, embracing a more comprehensive approach to pet health.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids, EPA, DHA, ETA, and GLA: The dream team of essential fatty acids, promoting skin health from within.

Navigating the Dermaquin® Journey 

Getting started is a breeze! During the induction period (2-4 weeks), your furry pal gets a higher dose to build therapeutic levels. Afterward, it’s a smooth transition to a maintenance dose for continuous skin-loving benefits. Size and weight matter, so follow those recommended dosing instructions from Pet Health.

Keep Calm – Side Effects Are Rare! 

While side effects are as rare as finding a unicorn in your backyard, mild gastrointestinal reactions like vomiting or diarrhea might occur. No worries! After a brief pause and a lower dose reintroduction, your pet is back on the road to wellness. Remember, if anything seems off, a chat with a Pet Health vet is your best bet.

Dr. B’s Special Insights 

  • Fatty Acids Rule: Don’t underestimate the power of fatty acid supplements for allergies. They’re a game-changer, with up to 10-20% of allergy cases finding relief with these alone. Patience is key – it might take a year, but it’s worth the wait!
  • Dermaquin®: Your Medications’ BFF: This superhero doesn’t work solo. Dermaquin® partners up with medications like Apoquel and Cytopoint, enhancing their effectiveness. It’s a win-win, reducing the need for multiple medications and saving you some hard-earned cash.
  • Botanical Bliss: I’m all about holistic approaches, and Dermaquin® nails it with Actinidia extract. Embrace the power of nature for your pet’s well-being!

Final Note: Pet Health First!

Remember, Dermaquin® is a fantastic ally but not a substitute for severe conditions. Always consult a Pet Health vet if your pet is experiencing severe allergic reactions or skin issues.

Here’s to happier, healthier, and itch-free days ahead!

Navigating Canine Allergies My Insights on Apoquel vs. Cytopoint 🌸🐾-featured

Navigating Canine Allergies: My Insights on Apoquel vs. Cytopoint 


As spring blossoms herald their vibrant arrival, so does the inevitable onslaught of allergies for our beloved canine companions. In this season of itchiness, pet parents often find themselves at a crossroads, deciding between two potent allies in the fight against allergies – Apoquel and Cytopoint. Join me, Dr. B, as we delve into the intricacies of these medications, exploring their benefits, potential side effects, and my insights.

Apoquel® Unveiled:

Let’s kick off our journey with Apoquel, the oral maestro designed to combat the constant itching associated with allergic skin disease in dogs. This prescription wonder takes a unique approach by blocking a specific enzyme in the inflammatory response, offering a respite from itching and inflammation. But how does it fare against its injectable counterpart, Cytopoint? 🚀

Benefits of Apoquel:

  • Swift Action: Apoquel’s claim to fame lies in its quick response, providing rapid relief to your pup’s persistent itchiness.
  • Broad Anti-inflammatory Spectrum: With a broader anti-inflammatory activity than Cytopoint, it stands out as a potential heavyweight for dogs grappling with skin and ear infections.
  • Versatile Effectiveness: Apoquel may emerge as the hero when Cytopoint falls short for certain furry friends. 💪

Side Effects of Apoquel: While Apoquel’s side effects are generally mild, it’s crucial to be mindful of potential issues such as gastrointestinal upset, adult-onset mite infections called demodicosis, and avoiding use in pregnant or lactating dogs. 🤔

Cytopoint® Spotlight:

Now, let’s focus on Cytopoint, the injectable marvel containing lokivetmab, a monoclonal antibody targeting interleukin 31 – the mischievous instigator behind incessant itching. This superhero injection brings relief within hours, with results lasting up to four weeks for over 80% of dogs. 🕒

Benefits of Cytopoint:

  • Rapid Relief: Cytopoint lives up to its promise, offering swift relief from itching within hours.
  • Immune System Harmony: Diverging from Apoquel, Cytopoint doesn’t suppress the entire immune system; it selectively neutralizes interleukin 31.
  • Age-Neutral Efficacy: One of Cytopoint’s charms is its suitability for dogs of any age. 🐶

Side Effects of Cytopoint: Cytopoint takes the lead in the safety department, with extremely rare side effects, including allergic reactions and gastrointestinal upset. 🌟

Dr. B’s Insights:

When discussing which option is best for my pet patients, I highlight key considerations when choosing between Apoquel and Cytopoint.

  • Individual Pet Responses: Just as every pet has a unique personality, their responses to medications differ. Some may favor Apoquel, while others thrive on Cytopoint.
  • Underlying Health Factors: Consider your pet’s overall health. I recommend establishing a baseline and regular lab work for pets on Apoquel, especially those with pre-existing conditions.
  • Cost Factors: Cytopoint injections can be costlier, particularly for larger dogs. Apoquel may be a better option for a cost-effective initial treatment.
  • Administration Ease: Apoquel’s oral form may be more manageable for pets that are challenging to bring into Pet Health. Conversely, for pets who find it difficult to administer medication, Cytopoint injections offer a smoother option. 🌈

Closing Thoughts:

Neither Apoquel nor Cytopoint is a panacea for pet allergies. These medications ally with other allergy treatment options like antihistamines, fatty acids, food allergy diets, and topical therapies. For pets undergoing a food allergy trial, they play a crucial role in keeping your pet comfortable while awaiting the efficacy of a diet change.

As spring paints its canvas with a riot of colors, let this guide be your compass in navigating the battle against allergies. Consult with your trusted Pet Health veterinary partner to chart the best course for your pet’s needs. Whether it’s Apoquel or Cytopoint, our shared goal remains – witnessing your pet revel in a happy, itch-free life amid the blossoming beauty of the season. 🌳🌺

Jack Russell Terrier

Spring into Action: Battling Atopic Dermatitis (Allergies) with a Spring in Your Step!

Hey there, Pet Health Family! As spring approaches, the sun shines, the flowers bloom, and nature awakens from its slumber. But, as beautiful as this season is, it also brings a challenge for our furry friends – allergies!

All About Atopic Dermatitis: A Seasonal Struggle

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is like the unwelcome guest that crashes the springtime party. This itchy and inflammatory skin condition loves visiting our canine companions, usually appearing between the ages of 2 and 6. It’s an equal-opportunity ailment affecting various breeds.

What’s the Buzz About Allergies?  

So, why do our pups develop AD? It’s like a puzzle with pieces like skin defects, alterations in the skin microbiome, and exposure to environmental allergens. These allergens sneak through the skin’s defenses, triggering unwanted inflammation. Genetics and environmental factors come into play, too, like living in the city, being adopted at an older age, or hanging out in smoky environments.

Signs of the Season: Itching Galore!

Spring isn’t just about blooming flowers; it’s also when our pets might start itching like there’s no tomorrow. Dogs with AD often engage in constant scratching, licking, and chewing. Sometimes, they might even develop skin and ear infections. These signs can be seasonal or go year-round, especially during spring and fall.

Diagnosis Detectives

To diagnose AD, our trusty Pet Health veterinarians must be like detectives. They rely on your pet’s history of clinical signs and rule out other potential causes of itching. It’s a bit of a mystery, but a comprehensive dermatologic workup is essential because no specific diagnostic tests are available for AD.

Spotting the Signs

There are specific criteria to help identify canine atopic dermatitis, like onset before three years of age, itching that responds to steroids, and involvement of particular body parts. At least five criteria help veterinarians differentiate AD from other itchy causes.

Spring Cleaning for Allergies

Reducing allergen exposure is another crucial part of the battle. Simple changes like maintaining humidity to prevent mold growth or regular baths can make a difference.

A Bright Future Ahead

The good news is that AD is manageable. While there’s no cure, there are plenty of treatments to reduce itching and improve your pet’s quality of life. From antihistamines to fatty acids and Apoquel to Cytopoint, options abound. And if you’re looking for a more long-term solution, allergy testing and immunotherapy (allergy injections) can help desensitize the immune system.

Spring Into Action!

With the proper treatment, regular check-ups, and some springtime magic, your pet can lead a comfortable life with less itching and a brighter future.  Remember, every pet is unique, and responses to treatment may vary.

Stay tuned for additional blogs this month discussing some of the more common treatment options in more detail and expert recommendations from each of our veterinarians.

Let’s spring into action and make this season a fantastic one for our furry companions!