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Collapsing Trachea In Dogs

The trachea (windpipe) is a tube of c-shaped cartilage rings that connect the oral cavity with the lungs. The c-shaped cartilage has a membrane that lines the top surface. In dogs, these cartilage rings can weaken and the tracheal membrane loses its rigidity,causing the trachea to collapse. A collapsing trachea will cause clinical signs ranging […]

Feline Upper Respiratory Infection

The most common cause of sneezing in cats is an upper respiratory infection. Feline upper respiratory infections can develop from a single agent or can be a mixed infection as well. The most commonly involved agents are feline herpes virus (FHV-1), feline calici virus (FCV), feline cystitis, and the bacterial agents Bordetellabrochiseptica, Chlamydophilafelis, and Mycoplasma. […]


Pyometra is a disease that occurs when the uterus in an older female dog or cat fills with pus. Most affected dogs and cats are older than six years of age and have not been spayed or still have their ovaries and uteruses. Some spayed dogs can get an infection from a remnant of the […]

Broken Teeth In Pets

A broken tooth is a very common occurrence in dogs and cats. A fracture of a tooth is most common in the canine (fang) and upper fourth premolars of dogs and the canine of cats. A fractured tooth can occur due to acute trauma from being hit by a car or baseball ball bat or […]

Safety At Dog Parks

Pet Tip: Dog Parks Dog parks are the fastest growing segment of city parks in the United States. They can be a great way for you and your four-legged friend to enjoy some time outdoors. Follow these helpful suggestions to assure that the day ends safely: Obey all rules and regulations. Practice general courtesy by […]

Blindness In Dogs And Cats

Blindness can occur in pets either gradually or suddenly. When blindness occurs gradually, the pet is usually able to adapt to their surroundings due to their heightened senses of hearing and smell. A pet can very easily memorize the interior of a house or the layout of a backyard. Owners may not even know their […]

Cherry Eye In Dogs

All dogs have a special protective third eyelid on the inside corner of their eyes that is often not visible. This eyelid provides protection to the eye and also contains a gland that produces about 35% of the eye’s tears. The tears from this gland are responsible for lubricating the cornea. When the gland comes […]

Heat Stroke And Heat Exhaustion In Dogs

The “dog days of summer” are not always the most ideal time for dogs to be outdoors. As summer temperatures soar, so do the incidents of heat exhaustion and heat stroke in pets. Although the terms heat stroke and heat exhaustion tend to be used interchangeably, there are some key differences. Both are potentially dangerous […]

Saving Your Pet With CPR

Emergency techniques such as CPR may help pet owners keep their pets alive until they arrive at their veterinarian or emergency center. Here are some tips on CPR for pets: Check for breathing and pulse. Using your middle and index fingers, check below the pet’s wrist, inner thigh at the femoral artery, or below the […]

Frostbite In Dogs

Many people believe that since their pets (especially dogs and cats) are covered in fur that they must be able to be out in the cold for extended periods of time. While it is true that certain breeds of dogs have the ability to be out in the cold longer than others due to thicker […]